Special Education News & Updates

Stay up-to-date on the latest special education news and updates from the Watson Institute. We include news, as well as stories and helpful information featuring our special education teachers, therapists, and mental health professionals and how they provide exceptional educational and supportive services to children with special needs. Also learn about our special education school programs and outpatient resources for children ages 3 to 21.

EITC Supports Special Education Schools

At the Watson Institute, students with special needs ages 3 to 21 attend high quality special education schools which support them on the path to achieving their goals. We’re able […]

Importance of Career Advancement Opportunities

If you’re considering a career in the special education field, you may be faced with a number of career opportunities in a variety of settings. Why should you consider a […]

Teaching Body Autonomy to Children with Special Needs

Child with a physical disability seated in a wheelchair while a nurse wipes down her face.

In a previous article in which we discussed teaching privacy to individuals with special needs, we briefly touched on the topic of body autonomy. In this article, we go into more […]

Introducing Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

Beginning in January 2021, the mental health support commonly known as wraparound or BHRS (Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services) was replaced across Pennsylvania by a new program called Intensive Behavioral Health […]

What Makes an “All-Star” Teacher?

Educators play an integral role in the personal and academic development of youth. This past year in particular educators went above and beyond to ensure their students were still able […]

Mental Health Supports in School

Students with exceptionalities, particularly mental health challenges, may have difficulty thriving in a traditional school setting. Without access to intensive mental health supports in school, students may struggle to balance their […]

What is a Positive Behavior Support Plan?

young female educator reviewing school work with a young female student at her desk in a classroom

If your child’s school conducted a Functional Behavior Assessment to help identify and manage interfering behaviors, they may have included a recommendation to develop and implement a Positive Behavior Support […]

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

Are you receiving reports from school about your child’s challenging behaviors in class? Have these behaviors begun to interfere with your child’s ability to focus on learning while at school? […]

Prevention Strategies for Contextually Inappropriate Masturbation

Sexual education is important for children as they approach adolescence, especially for individuals with disabilities since they are at a greater risk of victimization [1]. There are numerous topics covered […]