Student Academic Struggles

Structured Choice Schedule to Improve Participation

I have a 3rd grade student in my Learning Support class who needs extra help with most academic subjects.  She becomes very resistant when I try to work with her on a one-to-one basis.  If I do get her to work with me, she only lasts a few minutes before she starts asking when we’ll be done or she refuses to work altogether.  How can I get her to focus and work cooperatively?

Green Dot to Red Dot: Visual Chunking Strategy to Teach Classwork Independence

One of the students in my Learning Support class requires prompting and reassurance for every problem on his math worksheet.  I want him to complete tasks more independently but he is constantly asking me for help or if his answer is correct.  I can’t work with other students who also need my help with all of these interruptions.  Do you have any suggestions?

Homework Bin: A Labeled Place to Turn In Assignments

I have a very bright student with Asperger Syndrome included in my general education math class who never turns in his homework.  When I talked with his mother about the situation, she insisted he always completes his homework and puts it in his backpack to bring to school the next day.  Sure enough, when I checked his bag, there was a bunch of homework assignments, completed but never turned in!  He wasn’t able to explain why he never gave me the homework and questioning him just upset him further.  The students know to drop their homework on my desk as they enter the class but I always remind them as they come in anyway.  What can I do to help him remember to give me his completed work?

Joint Book Reading: With Parent

My daughter has delayed language skills and I am looking for a fun language activity that we can do at home in the evenings. She is at school all day so by the time she gets home, she is pretty exhausted and really doesn’t want to do more work!

Using Questions to Aid in Reading Comprehension

My 16 year old grandson can read quickly and easily but seems to have difficulty when it comes to understanding what he has read. Books aimed at his age group seem to go right over his head. He prefers movies-usually animated and loves to watch old movies aimed at little kids. How can I help him to better understand what he is reading?

Graphic Organizer Tools for Writing

My very bright 13 year old granddaughter has a great deal of trouble putting her thoughts down on paper. She has ADD and makes excellent grades but when it comes to answering a question that requires her to write down her thoughts, she has a very hard time. It can take her hours to write just a sentence or two. Once on a test at school, she simply wrote nothing. She did fine on the rest of the test but not on the writing requirement. This happens both at school and home. What can I do to help my granddaughter be more able to put her thoughts into writing?

First/Then Card: School Work

How can I get my student to do work in a subject that he dislikes? Every time he sees math on his schedule, he tantrums and rips up the paper.

Task Analysis: Spelling Practice

My student becomes overwhelmed when it comes time to practice spelling words (we typically write each word 5 times). She often refuses to do the task. If she does attempt to write the words, she may write the words too many or too few times or just get “stuck” on copying words correctly. How can I make this task more manageable and less overwhelming?

Visual Prompts: Homework & Book Bag Reminder

My child is always forgetting to bring home her homework, lunchbox, or other items. How can I help my child remember what needs to come home from school each day?

Matching Work Systems

I have a very disorganized student who has trouble completing work on his own. He is always asking me what he needs to do and needs a lot of help to complete his activities. How can I help him work without so much help?