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Visual Chunking: Math
How do I stop my student who knows his math very well, from screaming and head banging when he receives a math paper?
“Chunk” your student’s math assignments to help them approach the task in a more manageable way.
To get started, decide what type of visual chunking you will use: visual cues on the paper, redoing the paper visually, or cutting the paper into sections are a few options you may use.
Show your student the chunked assignments and encourage them to work through them one at a time. This should decrease the negative behaviors that may arise due to math assignments and help your student see math as an approachable task.
Organize items or tasks into manageable units. This “chunking” adaptation can appear to make school work “doable” to students, increasing on-task behavior and decreasing negative behavior towards the task. It can be effective for students whose working memory is compromised. There are a variety of ways visual chunking can occur.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18+
- Planning Effort: Low
- Difficulty Level: Easy
Determine what work is difficult and perceived as “undoable” to the student.
Make a decision on the type of visual chunking to use: visual cues on the paper, redoing the paper visually, cutting the paper into sections.
Implement and reinforce completing work.
Documents and Related Resources
Examples of chunking Work (Word document)
Examples of chunking (PDF)
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