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Classroom Quick & Easy Social Skills Instruction
I have a student with Asperger Syndrome in my regular education classroom. So many workshops indicate we should be teaching social skills in the environment. There is so little time during the day. What is a quick and doable way to provide social skills instruction in the crunched time we have?
Create a chart similar to a spelling test chart with student names in one column and numerous blocks next to each name. Teach one social skill a week to the entire class with an example and modeling. This may take 5-10 minutes. When a student demonstrates the skill place a sticker or star next to their name on the chart. Be sure to reinforce the student verbally as well.
“Classroom Quick and Easy” is one example of a quick way to teach social skills within the classroom environment. The instruction is accompanied with visual and verbal reinforcement.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10
- Planning Effort: Moderate
- Difficulty Level: Easy
Social Skill Chart for display, stickers or stars for chart
Create a template similar to a spelling test star chart.
Identify one social skill a week and teach to the class by example/modeling.
List the Social Skill Titles being Taught on the Chart.
Tell students when you see them practicing and using the skill they will get a star or sticker on the chart.
When the skill is observed be sure to provide verbal reinforcement immediately afterwards.
If necessary tell the student when the skill should be used and then reinforce for using the skill.
A variation to the class chart can be individual charts for each student.
Documents and Related Resources
Class Social Skills Chart Sample (Word document)
Class Social Skill Chart-Sample (PDF)
Class-Social-Skill-Chart-Blank (Word document)
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