Visual Cues and Labeling Classroom Strategies

How to Use Visual Supports in the Classroom

As you prepare your classroom for the beginning of the school year, consider incorporating visual supports into your setup to help students navigate through tasks with greater independence. 

If your classroom is organized using various centers for specific activities or skill development, add visual organization systems, cues, and labeling efforts into the center to provide additional support for students.

  • Identify the task your student will need to complete and the environment in which it will take place (i.e. which center- if using centers – or which area of your classroom).
  • Identify which elements within the environment to label, such as a bin for completed work or baskets containing materials. 
  • Attach visual labels to these items (using hook and loop fasteners or tape).
  • Be sure to positive reinforce them as they complete the task!

The special education resources on this page were authored by Watson Institute Special Education Consultant, Lisa Plastino, M.Ed.

Classroom Centers – Visual Cues and Labeling

Classroom Centers – Visual Organization

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