Visual Cues Labeling: Laundry

  • Situation

    Whenever I bring a basket full of clean clothes into my son’s room and ask him to put his clothes away, he begins to yell “I can’t do this.” How can I help my son to better understand the chore and do it independently?

  • Summary

    Utilize the picture support strategy of labeling he will be able to see just where to put his pants and shirts.

  • Definition

    Use of labeling pictures within an environment promotes independence and positive behavior. Labeling pictures are supportive visuals that organize the environment. The visuals can be pictures, photos, words, or a combination of these.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18+
    • Planning Effort: Low
    • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Pre-requisites

    Know visual level child understands – photo, symbol, word

  • Process

    1. Identify environment in which to provide organization via visual labeling.

    2. Identify what to label.

    3. Attach visual labels to item (can use Velcro or tape).

    4. Model use of visual labels.

    5. Reinforce for completing the task.

  • Documents and Related Resources (link to website for free visuals)


    Example Visual Support (image)


    Visual Cues and Labeling: Dishwasher (Similar Watson Resource)


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