Embedding IEP Goals and Objectives

  • Situation

    I am having difficulty finding time to teach my students goals/objectives. How can I get this accomplished?

  • Summary

    Think about your day and the different activities. List the goals/objectives you want to focus on. Decide the most appropriate times of the day that you could embed the objective/goal. For example, if the goal is to recognize colors receptively, join the child in the block area and request different colored blocks as he plays. If the goal is to request a preferred item, give choices during snack time and play time and wait for a response.

  • Definition

    Embedding is creating opportunities for teaching IEP goals/objectives within the natural schedule of the day.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
    • Planning Effort: Moderate
    • Difficulty Level: Moderate
  • Pre-requisites

    Ability to reach his IEP goals

  • Process

    1. Think about each activity throughout your day (i.e., large group circle, play, transition to outside). List IEP goals/objectives you want to embed. You may want to use a matrix (see example) by listing the IEP goals/objectives on the side of the paper and the times/activities at the top.

    2. Identify the best 3 activities (for example) for embedding each IEP goal/objective.

    3. Decide if each chosen activity has what you need or if you will need to add materials. Plan accordingly.

    4. Practice the skill routinely in the pre-designated activities. (i.e., child counts the children in circle group – IEP goal: counting to 10; child chooses a friend to walk with when going to snack, outside, and back to the classroom; IEP goal: chooses a friend by name).

  • Documents and Related Resources

     Sample Planning Matrix for IEP Goals (Word document)


    Sample Planning Matrix for IEP Goals (PDF)



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