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Attendance Board
How can I help students learn their classmate’s names and faces?
An Attendance Board is a clipboard with laminated photos of students on a grid or with check boxes next to each photo. Students take turns using an Attendance Board to check a present or absent box next to classmates faces and names. Students may begin to associate names with faces given opportunities with this activity.
An Attendance Board is a mobile board that contains the names and possibly pictures of each student in a classroom along with an area to check off whether each student is present or absent.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
- Planning Effort: Low
- Difficulty Level: Easy
List of Student names
Ability to take pictures of students
Take photos of students.
Make a grid.
Place names and photos on grid paper.
Laminate and place on clipboard.
Assign the student a classroom job of taking attendance. The student will become more familiar with classmates by repeatedly associating and rehearsing names and faces of their classmates using this visual format.
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