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Work Ahead Flexibility: Math
I have a bright student in my math class. She knows much of the work and when we start the workbook pages she wants to keep working ahead. If I make her wait or stop her from continuing the back side she will tantrum. What can I do to make her follow along with the class?
It can be very difficult for some students to sit through teacher student discussions. They do best when they can be continually engaged. In addition they may feel the need to finish the worksheet. Provide instructional flexibility and allow the student to keep working then provide a choice of another activity. This could be a math related computer program or a different math related activity.
Instructional flexibility in allowing some students to work ahead.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18+
- Planning Effort: Low
- Difficulty Level: Easy
additional math activities
Allow student to work ahead if they have difficulty during teacher student discussions.
Plan a choice of an activity if the student is way ahead of the class (book, center, and computer).
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